Tuesday, May 5, 2015

A million benefits of yogurt

Yogurt is fermenting beverages are good for the body. This made the yogurt's goodness as one source of food that must be consumed each day. Though it feels a bit sour, yogurt at least afford healthy digestion, help lose weight, to suppress high blood pressure.

In one cup of yogurt, contains 45% calcium your body needs every day. Yogurt also contains protein, potassium and vitamin B complex, which serves to prevent osteoporosis, pressed the bleeding, to the prevention of cancer.

It is also revealed by clinical nutrition specialist, Dr. Marya Haryono, m. nutritional, SpGK. According to her good bacteria in yogurt may prevent infections that inhibit cancer cells in digestion. Call it pressing risks the appearance of colonic cancer (colon cancer), which occurs as a result of less healthy digestion.

"Food will only be absorbed perfectly when we have a healthy digestion. Consumption of yogurt can increase work proven digestive organs, either the hull, intestine and colon, "explains Dr. Marya Haryono, during a discussion of the benefits of yogurt with Heavenly Blush Yogurt recently.

Warding Off The Disease Is Hidden
The risk of disease can be caused by consuming food or drink is usually less healthy (junk food). One way to prevent the onset of disease is hidden is diligently eating healthy snacks.

Just like most other healthy foods, yogurt also offer a myriad of benefits. In addition it contains probiotics, pH 4 at yogurt making snacks, this one is able to prevent the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity.

To prevent the growth of bacteria, foods that are processed in the oral cavity should at least have a pH below 5. The degree of acidity of the yogurt is owned can make the bacteria in the mouth is not growing. This is because there is no reaction or bacteria after eating yogurt. That is why, the yogurt is able to counteract bad breath, especially when you start fasting.

Content of probiotics in yogurt can decrease the level of cholesterol in the body. Because cholesterol can be issued with dirt if it can eat yogurt every day. Lactic acid bacteria are also able to inhibit the absorption of cholesterol and bile reabsorsi.
To prove it, Shiraz University of Medical Science and the Armenian Agricultural Academy held a research related benefits of yogurt. This study involved 46 respondents had an average cholesterol level of 200 – 304 mg/dl. They also urged consuming this yogurt for 4 weeks in a row. As a result, the yogurt is capable of lowering Low Density (LDL) Lipoorotein or the level of cholesterol in the body.

"For someone who has high cholesterol, you should consume two cups of yogurt (approximately 100 grams) a day for adequacy substances other micronutrients. Don't forget your fiber consumption, anjurannya 25 grams to 30 grams per day. Since however the fiber if consumed with food source containing cholesterol, can help inhibit the absorption of cholesterol. Assisted with the yogurt will be better again "urainya.

In order for the lactic acid bacteria Lactobacillus bulgarius and Streptococcus thermophillus doesn't just disappear, preferably yogurt consumed completely. I.e. by not entering into the cooking process. It would be better if the yogurt can be combined as salad dressings and consumed with other fiber composition.

"If it goes into the cooking process is clear of the bacteria would be lost, but no other nutrients, there is calcium, minerals and so forth. But the most recommended is eating yogurt intact, "Marya exposed