Thursday, May 7, 2015

Healty drinks to diet

Many destinations that make people want or need is dieting to lose weight, maintain health, as well as increase the metabolism in the body. In order to be able to walk the optimum diet, it is strongly recommended to avoid high-calorie food and drinks or have high sugar levels. Instead, you are advised to consume food and drink to suit the purpose of the diet. The following are some of the kinds of supporting healthy diet drinks can be consumed in the diet while running.

The most appropriate drink made healthy beverage diet advocates is the white water. As already known, easily obtained, in addition to white water has many benefits for the health of the body. Consuming white water will make you avoid dehydration, digestion will be more smoothly, enhancing cell regeneration body and eliminate toxins from the body. Within a day, it is recommended to consume 2 liters of plain water. Drinking plain water cold temperature (approx. 5-8 degrees Celsius) will also facilitate metabolism by up to 30 percent, because the body will require energy to heat cold water to fit the body temperature. As its effects, body fat will burn easily.
Consuming fresh tea (without sugar) on a regular basis is also a healthy way in the diets. A very good type of tea consumed while dieting is green tea, which is rich in polyphenols and flavanoid content, a type of natural antioxidants that protect the body from cancer and heart disease. Flavanoid content in green tea can also strengthen bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. In addition, green tea also contains beneficial catechin and caffeine in increasing the metabolism, so your body can burn fat better.

Supporting healthy diet beverages are fruit and vegetable juices. Fruit and vegetable fiber-containing foods is high, so useful in keeping the digestive kelancaraan. Among the fruits that are recommended to be consumed in the form of tomato juice is. Tomato is a low calorie fruit containing vitamin C and lycopene, a type of antioxidant that can lower the risk of cancer, as well as protect the lungs and heart against oxidative damage.