Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Difference Between Sex and Sexuality

“When a peacock dances you don’t condemn it, but the dance is sex; it is to attract the female. When the cuckoo calls you don’t condemn it; it is sex. The cuckoo is simply declaring, “I am ready.” The cuckoo is simply calling forth the woman. The sound, the beautiful sound, is just a seduction; it is courtship.”

Sex is beautiful, sexuality is ugly, and the difference has to be understood. Sex is a natural phenomenon. Sexuality is unnatural, abnormal and pathological. When sex becomes cerebral, when sex enters in your head, it becomes sexuality.
Now, the head is not the center for sex. It is getting into confusion, it is getting upside down, it is getting deranged. Sex is not the function of the head, but when sex enters in through the head it becomes sexuality. Then you think about sex, then you fantasize about sex. And the more you think, the more you fantasize about it, the more you will get into trouble because then nothing real will ever satisfy you because there is no limitation on fantasy, and reality is limited.
For example, if you start thinking too much about sex you can create beautiful women – women which are only your fantasy; you will never find them anywhere in the world. Or men…you will never come across them. No real woman or man will ever satisfy you because of the fantasy. No real man or woman can fulfill your expectations of fantasy. Fantasy is fantasy; it is a dream.
You can fantasize a woman who does not perspire, whose body has no body odor. You can fantasize a woman who is always sweet and never bitter. You can fantasize a woman who is always loving and warm and welcoming and never nags you and is never angry, never throws pillows at you. You can fantasize a woman who never ages, who remains always stuck at eighteen years of age – who is always fresh, always young, always beautiful, never falls ill, never makes any demands on you, never betrays you, never looks at any other man with longing, with desire. You can fantasize to no limit, but you will not find this woman anywhere. Now you have created a problem – you are no longer naturally attuned to your sex.
Nature is perfectly capable to be fulfilled, but fantasy cannot be fulfilled. You may find your woman in girly magazines, in pornographic books, but you will not find her in reality. And whosoever you will find in reality will fall short.
That is the problem the West is facing – it has fantasized too much about sex. The West has become sexual through fantasy; the East has become sexual through repression. Both have become sexual and both have lost the natural capacities of enjoying sex. Both have become pathological through different routes. The West has become pathological by fantasizing sex as being the ultimate goal of life, and the East has become pathological by thinking that sex is the ultimate barrier between godliness and man.
Sex is neither: neither is it the ultimate goal nor the ultimate barrier. Sex is a simple phenomenon as hunger or thirst; there is nothing more to it. Neither is it what the Eastern mind has been thinking about it. The Eastern mind is too afraid of sex. Out of fear, sex has moved into the head; through the door of fear it entered into the head.
So the Eastern so-called saints are simply fantasizing about sex because they have repressed it. And that which you repress goes on coming up again and again. It cannot be destroyed; nothing can ever be destroyed by repression. Repression makes sex pathological sexuality. This is one extreme.
The West has moved to another extreme. The other extreme is, fantasize about it. Sex is all, everything else is secondary, so have as much sex as you can. But you cannot have too much sex. There are limitations to the body, but you can fantasize as much as you want, there is no limitation to it. So pornography exists, blue films exist, girly magazines exist, and people are being fed on these illusory mirages. Then no woman, no real man will ever satisfy you.
These are both pathological states. Sexuality is pathological; whether you come to it through greed or fear does not matter. The East has become ill through fear; the West has become ill through greed. Greed and fear are two aspects of the same coin. So on the surface it looks very different, that the East and the West are poles apart. They are not. Those who know, those who can see, can see that it is the same foolishness, the same stupidity. They have arrived to the same stupidity from different doors, that is true, but they have entered into the same place. And both have to be awakened, and both have to be made more enlightened about sex.
Don’t make much fuss about sex either way, that is the first fundamental. If you want sex to become love, the first fundamental is accept sex as an absolutely natural phenomenon. Don’t bring your metaphysics to it, don’t bring your religion to it. It has nothing to do with religion or metaphysics, it is a simple fact of life. It is a way life produces itself. It is as simple as the trees bringing flowers and fruits – you don’t condemn the flowers. Flowers are sex; it is through the flowers that the tree is sending its seeds, its potentiality, to other trees.
When a peacock dances you don’t condemn it, but the dance is sex; it is to attract the female. When the cuckoo calls you don’t condemn it; it is sex. The cuckoo is simply declaring, “I am ready.” The cuckoo is simply calling forth the woman. The sound, the beautiful sound, is just a seduction; it is courtship.
If you watch life you will be surprised. The whole of life is through sex. Life reproduces itself through sex. It is a natural phenomenon, don’t drag unnecessary rationalizations into it.
This is the first thing to be understood if you ever want any transformation of sex energy. The first thing is don’t deny it, don’t reject it, don’t repress it. Don’t be too greedy about it, don’t think that this is all – this is not. There is much more to life. And sex is beautiful. Still, there is much more to life, sex is only the foundation, it is not the whole temple.
Repressed, it becomes sexuality. Fantasized, it becomes sexuality. One is an Eastern way of transforming sex into pathology, the other is a Western way. But nobody, either in the East or in the West, accepts that sex is a simple natural phenomenon. Neither the saints nor the sinners – nobody accepts sex to be a simple natural phenomenon. Both are obsessed with it, hence I say both are not different. Sex accepted, respected, lived, becomes love

Sorry McDonald's lovers yucky news !!!

Sorry McDonald's lovers yucky news!!

I knew there was a reason why I like Jamie Oliver!!

Hamburger chef Jamie Oliver has just won a battle against one of the largest fast food chains in the world. After Oliver showed how McDonald’s hamburgers are made, the franchise announced it will change its recipe.

According to Oliver, the fatty parts of beef are “washed” in ammonium hydroxide and used in the filling of the burger. Before this process, according to the presenter, the food is deemed unfit for human consumption.

According to the chef and presenter, Jamie Oliver, who has undertaken a war against the fast food industry: “Basically, we’re taking a product that would be sold in the cheapest way for dogs, and after this process, is being given to human beings.”

Besides the low quality of the meat, the ammonium hydroxide is harmful to health. Oliver calls it “the pink slime process.”

“Why would any sensible human being put meat filled with ammonia in the mouths of their children?” asked the chef, who wages a war against the fast food industry.

In one of his initiatives, Oliver demonstrates to children how nuggets are made. After selecting the best parts of the chicken, the remains (fat, skin and internal organs) are processed for these fried foods.

The company, Arcos Dorados, the franchise manager in Latin America, said such a procedure is not practiced in the region. The same applies to the product in Ireland and the UK, where they use meat from local suppliers.

In the United States, Burger King and Taco Bell had already abandoned the use of ammonia in their products. The food industry uses ammonium hydroxide as an anti-microbial agent in meats, which has allowed McDonald’s to use otherwise “inedible meat.”

Even more disturbing is that because ammonium hydroxide is considered part of the “component in a production procedure” by the USDA, consumers may not know when the chemical is in their food.

On the official website of McDonald’s, the company claims that their meat is cheap because, while serving many people every day, they are able to buy from their suppliers at a lower price, and offer the best quality products.

In addition, the franchise denied that the decision to change the recipe is related to Jamie Oliver’s campaign. On the site, McDonald’s has admitted that they have abandoned the beef filler from its burger patties.


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Semen is Good for Women’s Health and Helps Fight Depression

Men everywhere have a lot to smile about with the results of a study released by the State University of New York. This study shows that women who perform oral sex are happier and less likely to suffer from depression. The researchers used a survey to ask 293 college-age females on the SUNY-Albany campus questions about sex.

As part of the survey, respondents were asked to fill out the Beck Depression Inventory, which is a common diagnostic tool mental health professionals use to measure mood. The results of the survey were quite intriguing.

The results showed that women who regularly practice oral sex are less likely to be depressed. In addition, the results showed that women who engaged in regular sexual intercourse were less likely to be depressed than women who were abstinent.
Adding further to the evidence that semen is good for women’s mental health, the survey showed that women who had regular intercourse without condoms were less likely to be depressed than women who had regular sex with condoms.
The researchers used this evidence to suggest that it is the consumption of semen rather than the sexual act that gives women the mood-enhancing effects. The researchers noted that semen has been shown to be a heady cocktail of mood-altering chemicals.
The list of mood-altering chemicals in semen starts with serotonin, which is the strongest antidepressant neurotransmitter found in the body. Semen also contains oxytocin, which is commonly known as the “love chemical.” Oxytocin creates feeling of well-being and helps create affection.
Another mood-altering chemical found in semen is melatonin, which relaxes people and helps them get better sleep. Semen also includes the chemicals estrone and cortisol, which are both known for their abilities to improve mood and reduce stress. Another benefit of semen is that it contains thyrotropin-releasing hormone, which is a natural antidepressant.
With all of the mood-improving chemical components found in semen, it is little wonder that the researchers discovered the results that women who engage in regular sex without condoms feel happier.
While this is promising research, it does not mean that the researchers are encouraging women to engage in unprotected sex. The risks of sexually transmitted diseases outweigh the antidepressant benefits of unprotected sex.
However, for women in long-term relationships, the results of the study suggest that they have a natural and enjoyable method available to help them improve their mood and fight depression.

19 Things Only Women With A Low Maintenance Fashion Sense Understand.

1. You have three hairstyles: down, ponytail, and bun.

2. You have one pair of shoes that you wear with 95% of your wardrobe.

3. Most of your outfits are just some combination of t-shirts and jeans.

4. This makes getting ready massively easy. What are you going to wear? Throw on the first pair of jeans and t-shirt you can find. Put on aforementioned shoes. Boom. Done.

5. Sundresses are also great because they look like you put more effort into getting ready, but you definitely didn’t.

6. You have to be very clear with your hairstylist that you need a cut that’s easy to maintain, because you’re not about that life. Your idea of styling your hair is making sure the part is nice, and if you’re feeling fancy, throwing a clip or headband up there.

7. You find make up a little terrifying. You understand the basics, and might even throw some on before leaving the apartment, but you once watched a YouTube clip about contouring and contemplated the existence of witchcraft.

8. Whenever you hear that you have to wear heels to an event, you get considerably less excited.

9. Then you get all dressed up, and get kind of excited! Heels aren’t so bad! Your legs look so much longer! You should wear them more often!

10. And then about half way through the event, you remember why you hate heels, and wish you could just 127 Hours your feet, and hack them off with a dull pocketknife. It would probably hurt less than wearing these shoes for another three hours.

11. You envy that somehow men can get away with wearing Converse with a suit for certain occasions, because that’s the dream, honestly.

12. When your friends want to go out, your favorite thing to wear is a cool jacket over a t-shirt and your nicest-looking jeans.

13. Your friends relish the days when you let them dress you up. It’s like Christmas, but with dresses! And heels! And eyeliner!

14. Every time you dress up, you get a semi-Cinderella moment from your friends. Wow! You look so different! Who knew you had such a defined waist under all those sweatshirts! You should wear that more often!

15. The back of your closet is where all of your “nice clothes” reside. You pull them out for weddings and funerals, and that’s about it.

16. When you first got a job/internship that required you to dress “business professional” you cried a little bit because honestly what could you wear.

17. Then you figured out that you could rock “business professional” by mixing and matching a handful of items, and you’ve already mastered that technique.

18. You own contacts, but will often just wear your glasses, because you don’t feel like exerting the effort.

19. Going to the gym at the end of the day is really just an excuse to wear your comfy gym clothes for hours leading up to it.

14 Ways You Haven't Been Using Lemons and Definitely Need to Start

by Christen Grumstrup |

Do you know how many beneficial aspects there are to lemons? Seriously, lemons are like a miracle fruit. The nutritional benefits from eating them are amazing, but everything else you can do with them is pretty astounding as well. Lemons can help you clean around the house, they can help you wake up with a clear mind in the morning... there is really nothing they can't do. Check out some of there amazing uses below. 

1. Try making a lemon face mask

2. Use lemon shavings as flavor and for added health benefits

3. Use a lemon so your apples don't brown

4. Use lemon as a natural cleaning product

5. Using lemon on your nails will clean and polish them up

6. Lemons are good for cleaning and brightening copper

7. Lemons can reduce soap scum on your bathtub or sink area.

8. Lemon mixed with rosemary and vanilla makes for a great way to freshen up your hand

9. Wake up with a cup of warm water with lemon

10. Keep lemons fresher for longer in pitcher of water

11. Freeze a bag full of lemons so you'll always have some when you need them

12. Use lemons to keep avocados from turning brown

13. Freeze lemons as ice cubes

14. And finally use a lemon to clean your cutting board

17 acts of kindness that will make someone happy today

Making people around you happy could be the shortest way to your own happiness! Here are some good reasons why:
-What goes around comes around. This might not be the driving force behind your acts of kindness, but contributing for someone else’s happiness can reflect back at you, too.
-You won’t regret it. Do you remember a time when you’ve felt sorry that you’ve done a good deed? Me neither.
-You’ll feel happier as someone’s face flows with happiness!

So how do we do that? How can we easily brighten someone’s day?
Here are 17 quick and inexpensive solutions for this:

1. Encourage. Sometimes it’s hard to stay positive when you’re going through tough times. When someone is feeling down, you could always give them a ray of  your own sunshine and remind them of the positive sides of their problem. This will certainly help your friend see the light at the end of the tunnel!
2. Hug. In the right situation it could change someone’s day! Hugging reduces stress and it can brighten your thoughts and mood in a second. Pretty cool for something so simple.
3. Give away a piece of your talent. A good drawing or maybe a necklace or bracelet? A present with a touch of individuality won’t go unappreciated for sure.
4. Hold the door open for someone. Donate a few seconds of your time for a wide smile on someone’s face- now that’s a deal!
5. Bring a cup of tea/coffee. Next  time you go for a cup of coffee, buy one more for someone from your office/class. It’s an easy way to show that you care.
6. Bring positive energy into the conversation. Positive energy is contagious! Throw in something a positive thought during lunch for example and soon most of your lunch mates will do the same. Brighten up the atmosphere!
7. Smile. Even if it’s to a stranger on the street- it will either make them smile back or they’ll just feel awkward. At least it’s worth trying if it’s going to brighten up someone’s day.
8. Just listen. People feel appreciated when they are listened to and not rudely interrupted.
9. While driving, let someone into your lane. This could be someone’s moment of relief during a stressful day.
10. An honest compliment. It works best if it’s for something that is close to the other person’s heart. You wouls feel better if someone acknowledges the effort you have made on something, wouldn’t you?
11. Share some of your homemade sweets. Who doesn’t like cookies? Or ice cream or jerky?
12. Share something you found on the internet. It could be your favorite funny video or something intriguing and helpful.
13. Bring your friends’ favorite takeout food. Another version of the tea/coffee favor is buying your mate’s favorite food- chocolate, sandwich, pizza, etc. If you’re a good cook, why not prepare a favorite meal?
14. Pick some flowers for your buddy. That’s a pretty easy and joyful way to put a smile on someone’s face.
15. Do a chore or run an errand for someone. If you’re having a day off, why not help someone with something small? It’s a good sacrifice and a positive outcome is sure to follow.
16. Tell a joke or a funny story. You can turn your mischiefs into a funny story that can make someone laugh.
17. Share a good advice with your mate. When there’s a problem you can easily participate in the solution by offering a helpful advice or your own point of view. You can consult with friends that have been in a similar situation. This could really mean a lot for the friend you’re trying to help! Show them that they’re not alone in this.

15 Reasons You Need To Drink Lemon Water

If you’re tired of drinking plain old water and want to take your physical, mental, and spiritual health up to the next level, here are 15 reasons why you should be drinking lemon water every day:

1) Clears Skin

One of the more convincing reasons to drink lemon water for most of us is that it can help keep our skin clear. Water on its own can help flush out toxins to keep skin clear, but the added vitamin C in lemons helps purge toxins from our blood to keep skin clear of blemishes and decrease fine lines and wrinkles!

2) Balances Your PH

There’s a lot of talk about balancing the pH in your body and lemon water does just that! Lemons taste and appear to be very acidic, but they actually have a very alkalizing effect on our bodies. Keeping your body in an alkaline state also prevents diseases and pathogens from surviving, so it’s a pretty important to drink!

3) Boosts Immune System

Another fab benefit of drinking lemon water is that helps boost our immune system. Who has time to get sick these days, right? The potassium in lemon juice helps control blood pressure, stimulate brain and nerve function and vitamin C helps fight colds. If you’re already sick, try sipping hot water with the juice of one lemon and some honey.

4) Weight Loss

Aside from helping our skin stay clear, balancing and boosting our health, lemon water also aids in weight loss! That’s right, drinking lemon water helps boost your metabolism, fight cravings, flush out water weight and curb hunger. Those are some powerful benefits from such a simple drink that we can have anytime!

5) Help a Hangover

What’s your go-to drink when you’re nursing a hangover? Save yourself a trip to the store and make yourself a mug of warm lemon water instead. Yet another benefit of drinking lemon water is that it can help soothe your stomach, which can be somewhat irritated or sensitive after a night of drinking. Drinking hot water with lemon can act as an antiseptic and help detox your system from all that booze!

6) Freshens Breath

We now know that lemon water has an abundance of benefits, and another one of my favorites is that helps freshen your breath! This is really effective for those times you want to freshen your breath after having some drinks, a spicy meal or if you smoke. All these things can dry out your mouth, which can lead to sour breath, so wet your whistle with some lemon water!

7) Boost the Brain and Nervous System

Another one of the impressive effects of drinking lemon water is that it contains lots of potassium. Low levels of potassium have been linked to depression, anxiety, forgetfulness and brain fog. As mentioned previously, lemons are also chock full of vitamin C, which gets depleted when you’re under a lot of stress.

8) Helps Respiratory Problems

If you experience respiratory problems like asthma or infections, lemon water is the ideal drink for you! Lemon water has antibacterial properties and helps get rid of infections of the chest and relieves coughs. Lemon water is also said to be a helpful natural remedy for allergies as it helps keep the body alkaline and more balanced.

9) Helps Digestion Problems

There are tons of different powers that lemon water has. Did you know that it can actually assist you with any digestion problems that you are having? Trust me on this one, if you are having a lot of stomach aches, start drinking lemon water and you’ll see a huge difference in how your stomach feels!

10) Powerful Cleansing Powers

While we might clean our skin and we might actually keep our faces and hair clean, did you know that we also need to keep our organs and our insides clean? That’s exactly what drinking lemon water can do! It’s a natural cleansing agent that will help keep you extremely healthy.

11) Less Mucus

If you are a dairy eater, especially drinking milk, you probably notice that you have a ton of mucus in the morning. Don’t worry, once your start to drink lemon water, you’ll notice that it cuts through the mucus and will leave your throat uncoated and unirritated!

12) Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation can actually really hurt, especially if you are noticing it all around your body. Well, one of the biggest benefits of drinking lemon water is that it helps reduce inflammation and it calms down any irritation completely!

13) Energy Boost

Do you need that cup of coffee in the morning and then around 2:30pm, you are crashing and burning with being tired? Well, if you happen to drink hot water with lemon in it instead of coffee, not only will you cut your caffeine, but you’ll notice there is absolutely no more crash!

14) Helps You to Stay Healthier

Overall, lemon water is a good way to keep hydrated and improve your health in all areas.  It’s not a taboo form of alternative treatment.  It’s a great way to up your health game on all ends of the spectrum.

15) Great Source of Potassium

Finally, the last benefit if drinking lemon water is all about that potassium I mentioned earlier! If you aren’t a huge fan of bananas, but are still missing those potassium levels, why not indulge in a few glasses of lemon water a day?
There you have it, ladies and gents, if those fifteen reasons don’t convince you to have some lemon water, I don’t know what will! Seriously though, lemon water has some fantastic benefits. It’s easy to make, it’s inexpensive and tastes great.
Note*: If you’re concerned about the effect of the lemon juice on your teeth, try drinking it through a straw.